best practices

Getting Started with Instagram for Business

Getting Started with Instagram for Business

Out of all the social media platforms currently available, Instagram is still one of the most popular ones in 2022 for business to reach their target audience. Not only do 90% of users follow at least one business on Insta, but at least 70% also don’t mind viewing ads during videos, which gives business owners who wish to employ ad spend yet another route to engage their core demographic should they choose to. And even if a high ad spend is not on your mind as a business owner, there are a plethora of metrics and tools that can help make tracking user interaction and automating the site easy and approachable, even for fledgling business owners.

Why Your Website Should Have a Content Strategy Plan

Why Your Website Should Have a Content Strategy Plan

The article in question was only two months old, but my friend’s terse assessment cut straight to the bone. I was the only contributor to this particular website at the time, and the site owner could only afford to have me contribute once a month, which meant that sharing previous articles with friends/colleagues/what-have-you would almost invariably open me up to such criticism, as the Internet tends to make everything ancient almost immediately after it is posted.

Funny, that. In our effort to get there first, the clock starts ticking and it becomes obsolete almost immediately. In fact, the only way to keep your brand on your would-be customer’s minds is, of course, to be play where they play, and to consistently engage with them.

And what better way to engage your target demographic than a killer content strategy plan tailor-made just for them?

Why Google My Business is a No-Brainer

Why Google My Business is a No-Brainer

“What? Google My Business?”

Yeah, hopefully. If your customers wanted to leave a review for your or point you out on a map when their relatives from out of town come to visit, you are going to want them to find you, and if you like making money, you are going to want to make that process as painless as possible.

So what if I told you that Google themselves provides a free tool that allows you to manage your business’s online presence across all of Google, including Maps and Search?

Tips For Up And Coming Entrepreneurs In Today’s Digital Age

Tips For Up And Coming Entrepreneurs In Today’s Digital Age

If you’re thinking about starting a business during the pandemic, you’re in great company. More than half a million people have launched new businesses as a safe and reliable way of earning an income during uncertain times.